Sundays at Glen Arden
A Sunday at Glen Arden is a day apart. It has a different rhythm, a slower pace, and a routine all its own. It’s a day of reflection, fun, fellowship and song. We look forward to ending the week in community.
After sleeping in, we begin the day with a special Sunday breakfast. We then gather in the Green Cathedral for Sunday School, walking up a trail to our own sacred place carved out of the woods. Campers and counselors join in singing favorite camp songs, and Erin reads a story or poem and shares a message about nature, friendship, kindness, or other topic related to camp life.
After lunch and extended rest hour, camp fills with activity. Planned to draw the whole camp together, the afternoon program has us all joining in a big game or Red/Blue competition. As evening falls, Vespers gives each camper a chance to be a part of bringing a thoughtful close to the day. Each week a different unit of campers and counselors leads the camp community in stories and song, tailored to a theme chosen by those campers and counselors.
Sundays remind us what it means to be a part of God’s world in these mountains where we live, share and come to know ourselves.