Health & Safety

The health and safety of our campers and staff is our greatest priority. We take great care in planning activities and events to provide the most fulfilling program possible while considering the inherent risk. We strongly believe that a well planned and prepared camp provides the best opportunity for our campers to experience a fun and safe camp program.

Our staff are trained in first aid and CPR, and our infirmary is staffed with round-the-clock nurses to provide the highest quality of care. Our contracted services with a local medical practice ensure that we have access to advanced medical care and area hosipitals if needed.

Our Medical Staff

Our team of nurses is always on call and prepared to take care of illness and injury as needed. They spend their summer in our fully stocked camp infirmary, where they not only serve as medical practicioners but also mothers to their own campers. This gives them a great understanding of the campers’ (and families’) needs. Our nurses partner with our families in regards to prescription medication and individual health concerns. They also work with the director of our food program to accommodate food allergies and other dietray restrictions.

Safety at Camp

Spending time at camp during the summer is all about trying new things and challenging yourself. Our skilled staff members are trained in their specific activity areas to provide an experience for campers to grow and learn in a safe environment.

Campers are well-versed in rules, safety precautions, and proper use of equipment before participating in an activity. Specialized equipment is provided when appropriate as safeguards to campers and staff members.

Enrollment & Registration


Preparing for Camp

Need to Knows