Caring Counselors
Our talented staff hail from across the country and around the world
Our Glen Arden staff is composed of special young women who are chosen for the skills they possess and for their demonstrated love of children.

How Our Staff is Chosen
Many of our staff are former Glen Arden campers who have returned to the camp that was so important to their lives growing up. They are superb role models, and their influence extends beyond the camp season. They are the foundation for the special atmosphere of Camp Glen Arden.
The young women who are chosen to join the Glen Arden family as staff members are individuals who are committed, first and foremost, to the development of children. They have a strong sense of purpose, exemplify moral character, exhibit a warm and happy outlook, and realize the impact they will have on impressionable children.
The Glen Arden Counselor
- Is a friend
- Has enthusiasm for work as well as play
- Encourages each child to attain realistic goals
- Is a positive role model
- Is tolerant and patient
- Appreciates the gifts of nature and instills these in her campers
- Is aware that the real reason for being at Glen Arden is to teach children, not merely an activity
Our Camper to Staff Ratio
Glen Ardens camper/staff ratio is 3:1. In the cabins, which house the youngest campers, the ratio is 2:1. Maximum enrollment is 162 girls per session.

Our entire staff undergoes a minimum of one week of training prior to the arrival of the campers. During this time, a great deal of work is accomplished, traditions are explained, rules, regulations and policies are discussed and songs are learned. Most importantly, the special Glen Arden staff camaraderie takes hold and grows throughout the camping season.